Meet Me & My Sport Acrobatics & Tumbling
Emily Bott
Hey everyone, my name is Emily Bott and I am officially starting my first blog. I am a sophomore on the Acrobatics and Tumbling team at Baylor University and today I am going to explain to you the new and rising collegiate sport of acrobatics and tumbling and how our meets work. Keep up with me for next week's blog, where I will discuss some traveling tips and how our coaches run our away meets.
We have a total of five home meets, four away meets, plus the national championship that is also away located at Augustana University. A quick little background on the sport Acrobatics and Tumbling, where it is the only sport other than American Football to be created at a collegiate level. Only as far back as the year 2009, my coach, Coach Felecia Mulkey, and a few other college administrators around the country made this sport into what it is today. The Baylor University A&T team has won a total of nine national championships in a row, where last year I was so happy to be a part of winning the ninth national win.
As our season has just started about two weeks ago, our practices have been longer. This week we were preparing for this upcoming weekend's home meet against LIU, Saturday February 15th, which is also my 20th Birthday. We also have been preparing for an even bigger meet against Oregon University that we are leaving for next week on Thursday the 20th. The Oregon A&T team is a tough competitor being a top ranked team in our division. Acro and Tumbling meets consist of only two teams competing head to head on the mat. The meet is scheduled where the first part of it is the Compulsory Event, consisting of acrobatics, pyramid, toss, and tumbling. Both teams will do the same exact skills, but have to battle it out with perfect execution and technique. The next event is the Acro Event, where each team does three different acrobatic events and also competes to have better executed and technically sound acro. Moving on to other events, which is the pyramid and then the toss event. These events consist of each team doing three different pyramids and tosses, where you have to be very clean with what you are doing, but also try to choose a pyramid and toss that counts as higher points. But the hard thing about these events is the higher the points a skill is, the harder they are to compete and execute. The next event is tumbling event where each team has a duo, trio, and quad tumbling passes and three individual passes compete for well-executed tumbling and tumbling passes that have a start value of the max points of 10. The group passes consist of two, three, then four people synchronizing a pass together. Finally, the last event is the team event, where 24 people on the team go and compete in a routine together.
Thank you everyone for following align with me through my second A&T meet season and don't forget to come back next week for more content.
[Also, thats me, I am number seven.]
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